The Prototype

The making of me involves the literary giants. Which ones you ask? All of them. They are all there, in some way shape or form. The Romantic poets; Keats, Edmund, Spenser. The Beat Generation, I can not forget them .For better or for worse, their voices live on in me, in my soul. I love to write, live to read. Sometimes it is in me, other times I have to wrestle it out. For these moments are a deep love affair. Federico Garcia Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Toss in a little Jorge Borges for good measure. Ernest Hemingway jump right in. The boy is motivated and plans on staying so. Alas, but the mind wanders. He dreams of rivers and landscapes only realized in books. The world is huge and I have yet to properly explore it. Build me up, make me whole. I am the Prototype and these lands as far as the eye can see are mine for the taking.


What do you do when you want to travel so bad but can’t at the moment? My mind is always wandering yet my body stays put. I try to live vicariously through books and they always ease my mind and put me at rest, for reading books is like engaging in a love affair with someone who totally understands you.